Highland Way Herbs Plant List
This is a list of plants that are propagated and grown at Highland Way Herbs. These plants are not available all the time and some are only available in very small quantities. Frost sensitive plants are NOT suitable to plant outdoors in areas where frosts may occur, however they can be kept on a covered porch or indoors in a well lighted area and then planted out in Spring.
ALEXANDERS (Smyrnium olusatrum) The original celery. Bright green perennial with edible leaves, roots & seeds.
ALOE VERA (Aloe vera syn. Aloe barbadensis) Cleopatra's favourite face mask. Relieves bites, burns & rashes.
ARROWHEAD (Sagittaria sagittifolia) Waterplant with sweet, crisp tubers; high in protein & great in stir-frys.
ARTICHOKE, Jerusalem (Helianthus tuberosus) Tubers rich in minerals. Bright yellow flowers in late summer. Useful summer screen hedge.
ASPIDISTRA (Aspidistra elatior) Cast iron plant. Can endure temperatures between 23 to 100 degrees F.
AZOLLA (Azolla sp.) Attractive water fern that produces nitrogen-rich mulch for compost & potting mixes.
BABY'S TEARS (Soleirolia soleirolii) Creates a deep shag pile carpet in shady areas.
BAMBOO, River (Bolboschoenus medianus) Water plant with edible tuber. Dense thickets of bamboo-like plants with long, weeping leaves.
BAY LAUREL (Laurus nobilis) Great specimen or pot tree. Leaves placed under a pillow will induce prophetic dreams.
BETONY (Stachys betonica) Stimulates the immune system and tones the nervous system. Protects against nightmares and despair.
BLACKBERRY, Thornless (Rubus canadensi) A powerful herb of protection with delicious fruit and no thorns.
BUGLE WEED (Ajuga reptans) Iridescent spikes of lavender-blue flowers. Old hangover remedy.
BUTTERFLY BUSH (Buddleia davidii) Showy flowers attract butterflies, bees & honey-eaters.
CALENDULA (Calendula officinalis) Poor man’s saffron. Tea relieves depression.
CAPE GOOSEBERRY (Physallia peruviana) Tasty berries inside intricately woven papery husks.
CARDAMON (Elettaria cardamomum) A touch of the Orient. Bake fish or chicken in richly aromatic leaves. Frost sensitive.
CATMINT (Nepeta sp.) A cold tolerant variety. Blue flowers. Great edging plant.
CATNIP (Nepeta cataria) Aromatic leaves attract cats. White flowers. Relaxing tea. Leaves can be smoked for mild euphoric effect.
CEDRONELLA (Cedronella canariensis) Bright green leaves with aromatic citrus scent. Repels mosquitoes.
CELANDINE, Greater (Chelidonium majus) Caustic orange sap removes warts. Yellow flowers in summer.
CHAMOMILE, Lawn (Chamaemelum nobile "Treneague") Induces sleep and calms the nerves. Great ground cover in open positions.
CHERRY LAUREL (Prunus laurocerasus) Fire-retardant hedgerow, shelter belt or clipped screen.
CHIVES, Garlic (Allium tuberosum) A feature of Chinese cuisine. Seeds used as a tonic to improve kidney function.
CHIVES, Kitchen (Allium schoenoprasum) Aid digestion. Deter aphids. Attractive purple flowers in Spring.
COMFREY (Symphytum officinale) Ideal compost activator or liquid fertiliser. Heals sprains, strains & fractures.
CRESS, Land (Barbarea vulgaris) Hot, spicy flavour. Rich in Vitamin C. Useful winter salad plant.
CURRY PLANT (Helichrysum angustifolium) Strongly aromatic leaves. Add to dishes for mild curry flavour.
DAISY, Sea-side (Erigeron sp.) Dense clusters of miniature daisies attract predators. Always flowering. Drought tolerant. Frost hardy.
DOGBANE (Coleus cannis) Fleshy leaves with a distinctive aroma, said to repel dogs (& some people!) Spikes of lavender-like flowers in autumn. Frost sensitive.
EVENING PRIMROSE, Giant (Oenothera biennis) Heavily-perfumed summer flowers open at dusk. Flowers are edible. Seed oil used to treat PMT & arthritis.
FENNEL (Foeniculum sp.) Great for salad dressings. Fennel tea reduces flatulence & restores damaged liver cells.
FEVERFEW (Chrysanthemum parthenium) Miniature daisy flowers. Leaves relieve migraines. Flowers can be brewed for a pyrethrum-type insecticide.
FIVE HERB PLANT (Coleus amboinicus) Cuban oregano. Strongly aromatic leaves taste great with cheese. Fresh leaves reduce inflammation & relieve headaches, sores & insect bites. Frost sensitive.
FRENCH SORREL (Rumex acetosa) Lemon flavoured leaves add a tangy taste to salads. Tea relieves sore throats, kidney & liver problems.
Society GARLIC (Tulbaghia violaceae) Milder flavour than kitchen garlic. Delicate pink flowers over a long period of time.
Oak leaf GERANIUM (Pelargonium quercifolium) Balsam scented leaves & violet flowers in summer. Great vegie companion.
GROUND CHESTNUT (Bunium bulbocastanum) Leaves can be used like parsley. Flowers, seeds & tuber are edible. Attractive fern-like leaves.
HEARTSEASE (Viola tricolour) Toss flowers in salads. Use as a gargle & blood purifier in the treatment of colds.
LAVENDER, English (Lavendula angustifolia) Classic cottage garden herb. Summer flowers attract bees. Leaves soothe insect bites & flower tea has a calming effect
LAVENDER, French (Lavandula dentata) Spikes of lilac blooms attract bees. Flowers for most of the year.
LEMON BALM (Melissa officinalis) Leaves make a refreshing, sedative, lemon-flavoured tea. Use in fruit salads, vinegars etc.
LEMON VERBENA (Aloysia triphylla syn. Lippia citriodora) Exotic lemon-smelling leaves. Tea is mildly sedative, & used to treat nervous insomnia, flatulence & fevers.
LILY, Chinese Day (Hemerocalis) Young shoots & flower buds can be steamed or stir-fried. Bright orange summer flowers.
LILY, Pineapple (Eucomis sp.) Large spikes of summer flowers. Bulbs used in S.Africa as a poultice treatment for rheumatism.
MARJORAM, Sweet (Origanum marjorana) Aromatic herb popular in Greek & Italian cooking. Used to relieve tension headaches & insomnia.
MINT, Apple (Mentha suaveolens) Soft apple green leaves. Relatively frost hardy. Smells of green apples.
MINT, Asian (Polygonum odoratum) Vietnamese Mint/Chinese Coriander. Green/black variegated leaves with the hot, spicy taste of coriander, curry & lemon.
MINT, Eau-de-cologne (Mentha x piperita 'citrata') Purple stemmed leaves with the glorious scent of eau-de-cologne. Great added to the bath.
MINT, Kitchen (Mentha sp.) Large leaves & a strong mint flavour. Common culinary mint. Add to salad dressings or cooking.
MINT, Peppermint (Mentha piperita) Refreshing taste of peppermint. Makes delicious iced drink or after dinner tea. Mild anesthetic action.
MINT, Spearmint (Mentha spicata) Cleansing taste of peppermint. Great culinary mint. Adds contrast to spicy dishes.
MIRROR PLANT (Coprosma repens) Looking Glass Plant. Fire retardant, suitable for hedges or windbreaks. Eaten by poultry & used as a stock feed.
Miniature MONDO GRASS (Ophiopogan japonicus 'Nana') Great for edges or ground cover. Lilac flowers followed by blue-black berries. Very hardy.
NATIVE DAPHNE (Pittosporum undulatum) Intensely fragrant, creamy-white flowers in spring/summer attract bees. Orange berries attract birds. Fire retardant. Good decoy plant.
OREGANO (Origanum vulgare) Savoury herb with peppery flavour. Popular in Greek/Italian cooking. Tea soothes coughs & headaches. Great ground cover; suppresses weeds.
OREGANO, Golden (Origanum vulgare 'Aureum') Glorious golden leaves, with the delicious aromatic scent of marjoram. Delicate pink flowers in mid summer.
OYSTER PLANT (Acanthus mollis) Bear's Breeches. Dramatic planting for damp, shady sites. Roots used medicinally to treat dislocated joints & burns.
PARSLEY, Curly-leaved (Petroselinum crispum) Use as a garnish, add to soups. Rich in iron, beta carotene & vitamins B1, B2 & C. Natural anti-histamine. Companion plant for roses & tomatoes.
PARSLEY, Italian (Petroselinum crispum var. neopolitanum) Stronger growing plant than the common parsley. Similar properties.
PERIWINKLE, Variegated (Vinca major) Sorcerer's Violet. Attractive ground cover with violet flowers in early spring. Leaves reduce nose bleeds. Flower is a laxative.
PERSIAN STRAWBERRY TREE (Cornus capitata) Small evergreen tree. Fire retardant properties. Edible (but seedy) fruit suitable for preserves. Great decoy plant.
RASPBERRY, Thornless (Serpell's Willamette) Thornless bush with medium sized red raspberries with a "cooked" raspberry flavour. Early variety: great in jams.
RIVER BAMBOO (Bolboschoenus medianus) Attractive background water plant with dense thickets of bamboo-like plants with long, weeping leaves. Tubers edible when young.
ROCKET, Salad (Eruca sativa) Bright green leaves with a mustard-like taste. Add to salads or use as garnish.
ROSE, Pink Climbing Thornless (Rosa sp.) Origin unknown. Vigorous grower with glorious pink flowers most of summer.
ROSEMARY, Bush (Rosmarinus officinalis) Great for cooking. Leaves help preserve food. Distilled flower water makes a soothing eye wash.
SAGE, Bethel (Salvia involucrata 'Bethelli') Fast growing salvia with tubular pink flowers in summer & autumn. Flowers are edible. Birds love it.
SAGE, Kitchen ( Salvia officinalis) Use in cooking to aid digestion of fatty meals. Toss flowers in salads. Sage tea is an antiseptic, nerve & blood tonic.
SAGE, Pineapple (Salvia elegans) Edible red flowers in spring & autumn attract honeyeaters & bees. Pleasant addition to herbal tea.
SALAD BURNET (Sanguisorba minor) Evergreen salad herb with a cucumber flavour. Add young leaves to salads. Leaf tea is a tonic & mild diuretic & reduces tooth decay.
SELF HEAL (Prunella vulgaris) Woundwort/All-heal. Tough attractive ground cover with spikes of purple flowers in spring. Can be mown as a herbal lawn. Useful gargle for sore throats.
SMALLAGE (Apium graveolens sp. Secalinum Group) Old variety of celery. Use leaves like parsley to flavour soups & stews. Tea induces sleep.
SOAPWORT (Saponaria officinalis) Rhizome, stem & leaves contain saponins which act as water softeners. Clove-scented blush pink flowers over summer & autumn
SOUTHERNWOOD (Artemisia abrotanum) Lad's Love. Useful companion plant. Leaf is added to baths & poultices to treat skin conditions; leaves added to herb pillows to ease insomnia.
SPEEDWELL, Diggers - Blue (Veronica spicata) Tall spikes of deep blue flowers in summer. Flowers attract butterflies & bees.
STRAWBERRY, White Alpine (Fragaria vesca var. semperflorens) Sweet, small white berries appear in late October. Great for snacking, fruit salads. Ignored by birds and chooks.
TANSY, Fernleaf (Tanacetum vulgare 'Crispum') Miniature form of tansy, with lime green aromatic leaves with a ferny appearance. Not as invasive as standard tansy.
TARRAGON, Mexican (Tagetes lucida) Leaves have a strong sweet aniseed flavour. Smoked by Aztec peoples of Mexico: mild hallucinogenic effects.
TARRAGON, Russian (Artemisia dracunculus) Very hardy. Flavour improves the longer it grows in the one place. Agreeable tonic tea.
THYME, Lemon-scented (Thymus X citriodorus) Leaves have a fresh lemon fragrance. Pleasant tea with antiseptic properties.
THYME, Pizza (Thymus nummularius) Spicy addition to Italian style dishes. Great rockery plant. Combine with sage & plantain to treat sore throats.
Wild THYME (Thymus vulgaris) An essential ingredient of French cuisine. Improves digestion; controls coughs.
TUPPENCE (Lysimachia nummularia) Creeping Jenny/Moneywort. Great ground cover. Tiny golden-coin flowers in summer. Bruised leaves treat wounds.
VIOLET (Viola odorata) Large leaves & glorious deep purple scented flowers in late winter/early spring. Tea relieves coughs & headaches.
VIOLET, White (Viola sp.) Dainty white flowers with an inner mauve blush in late winter/early spring. Add petals to salads; crystallise for decoration.
VIOLET, Wood (Viola sp.) Dark green/purple leaves & lavender blue flowers in late winter/early spring. Naturalises well under shrubs etc.
WATER CHESTNUTS, Chinese (Eleocharis dulcis) Can be used raw in salads for a fresh, nutty flavour or tossed in stirfrys, soups & stews.
WARRIGAL CREENS (Tetragonia tetragoniodes) New Zealand spinach. Edible dark green leaves & tiny yellow flowers in summer. Great ground cover for an open area.
WORMWOOD (Artemisia pontica) Fern like silvery green leaves. Steep a sprig in wine for a mild digestive.
WORMWOOD, Shrub (Artemisia absinthium) Attractive silvery-grey foliage. Used in the French liqueur "Absinthe". Leaf used as a digestive tonic. Scatter in chook houses to repel insects.
WORMWOOD, Tree (Artemisia arborescens) Tall shrub with silvery-grey leaves & yellow flowers in spring. Cottage garden background planting. Repels flies.
YARROW, Mauve (Achillea millefolium) Great companion plant & compost activator. Accumulates copper, nitrates & phosphates. Crush leaves to stem light bleeding.
YARROW, White (Achillea millefolium) Great companion plant & compost activator. Accumulates copper, nitrates & phosphates. Crush leaves to stem light bleeding.
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